Friday, July 8, 2011

Intention moves Forward, Manifestation move Backwards

The process to accomplish any wish or want is merely an alignment between an Intention and a Manifestation. The process to match both is your Acceptance and that is where all necessary changes occur until you get your results. To accept is not only to trust it is yours but, and most important, to believe you deserve it.

While the Intention moves forward, or from somewhere in the past until you achieve your results, the Manifestation does it backwards, by allowing you to access the resources you need to move towards your wish or want.

After you make your intention, you start accepting the outcome and that implies changing. Your change! This is why you can’t connect the dots looking forward - because you are changing as you go! - but looking backward, as you make yourself conscious of the path. Once you achieve the manifestation, suddenly becomes obvious! You realize the resources that were at your disposal that you couldn’t “see” previously!

Please read this well. Manifestation and Intention are created at the same time so you just make your way to it and not to do or create it! The Time to achieve your results measures the level of Acceptance. As soon as you Accept, trust and feel you deserve it, the sooner it’ll come to you!

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