Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Finding your Action Points from Systemic Constellations

In the last article I explained how you could access your subconscious and, by using your senses, letting your conscious to apprehend the imprinted configuration. When in misalignment, you will feel uncomfortable and moved toward change.

Today I will discuss how you can find your Action Points to move from your “Current Configuration”, or the imprinted configuration in your subconscious, to your “Desired Configuration”, or the conscious configuration to where you want and choose to move on.

You can see everything as a system or part of a system, so you can apply this method to handle personal as well as organizational issues, such as defining or improving organization charts, product portfolio, market strategies, team management and so much more!

It is a 3 easy steps process:

1. Choose a topic and, using the technique explained in my last article, draw your Current Configuration. Do it placing each piece (or part of your System) at a time until your System is fully represented. Keep the number of the pieces short (3 to 7), having one representing yourself. If you feel you would need more parts try to group them in an “Others” piece.

Now that you have placed all of them, start to touch each piece, one at a time (ex. with one finger) and answer to the following questions: Where is this part of the System looking at? What it is feeling? What it is feeling toward the other parts.

Great! Let’s move on now to revise your “Current Configuration”.

2. Now you have represented your System, you are going to challenge yourself to find the “Desired Configuration”.

You are going now to repeat the earlier process but not representing the System AS-IS but as it SHOULD-BE, placing again the pieces, each at a time, and afterwards, answering the same questions as you did before.

Once you have completed this, allow you to stand up and look to your NEW Configuration from other perspectives (if you were seated, stand up, go around your set of pieces and check for yourself how different it feels observing the same configuration from other viewpoints. I am sure you will find the process fun and enjoyable). This is the same principle we use when asking from another opinion.

Are you satisfied? Do you want to make any adjustments? If that’s the case, do it!

Great! Let’s move on now to find your “Action Points”.

3. At this moment, you have designed the “Current Configuration” and the “Desired Configuration”. The next action is to identify all the steps that will take you from where you are now (“Current Configuration”) to where you want to be (“Desired Configuration)!

To do that, question yourself which pieces you need to move and where to, doing that one by one, until you get a practical list of the changes you need to implement.

Don’t forget that every change comes from the Inside-Out: the most important question is what you do; not what you would like others to change!

I will be happy to help you if you need any assistance!

1 comment:

  1. Great concepts. Keep up the good work and hopefully, soon, you'll be influencing a large audience.
